Our Mission
Our Mission is to carry on the Mission of Jesus Christ by implementing the Great Commission and fulfilling the Great Commandment
Our Vision
Our Vision is to grow disciples of Jesus Christ who will take responsibility for the Great Commission and live out the Great Commandment having a love for God and a love for people.
Our Values
We place value on God’s written word, The Bible. God’s written Word is the arbitrator of our beliefs and actions.
We place value on People ahead of task. People are precious to God and to us.
We place value on Christ-like character. Our abilities take second place to our character.
We place value on Christ’s Mission. His Mission is to make disciples of all nations and gather them into church life through water baptism so they in turn can fulfil Christ’s mission.
We place value on the Holy Spirit’s leading and empowerment. Our Christianity is not just for personal benefit but for the purpose of fruitfulness in God’s Kingdom.
We place value on relationship. Our Christian life is worked out in relationship in our families, employment, friendships and church life.
We value worship to God in “spirit and in truth”. Worship is an act of giving ourselves to God in all aspects of life.
We value excellence in all we do recognising that we are servants of Jesus Christ 24/7 and he deserves our best.