John & Glenice Verhoeff
Senior Pastors

Senior Pastor John and Glenice Verhoeff have been in ministry in New Zealand for several decades, mostly in Dunedin and Auckland. They have also serve for several years overseas in Singapore and Ireland.

Pastor John has a Master’s degree in Pastoral Leadership and he is also the Regional Missions Director for the South Pacific region for Victory Family Centre, Singapore. In this role he oversees churches in New Zealand, Australia, Samoa, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Timor-Leste.

Pastor Glenice has a Master’s degree in Religious Education. Both Pastor John and Glenice have extensive experience in Family Life ministries and counselling.

 Kenneth & Nayani Marasinghe
Executive Pastor for International Congregation

Pastor Kenneth and Nayani have been married for over 9 years. Before moving to New Zealand they have served in various ministries under our sister church, London Family Centre in U.K and Assembly of God churches in Singapore  & Sri Lanka. Ps Kenneth took the role of Assistant Pastor position in 2018 and took over the Executive Pastor role since 2019.

Peter & Dr. Moana Tupou
Community Outreach and Youth overseers

Pastor Peter has been serving in missions since 1995. He was involved in church planting in Uganda as a Gideonite and later graduated in Pastoring Leadership in Singapore. He served as a Missions Pastor in Mbarara, Uganda and also in Tonga. He is married to Dr. Matamoana Tupou since 2001 and blessed with two children, Nathaniel and Loretta. Both Ps. Peter and Dr. Matamoana served in Vision Life Centre Pastoral team on 2006-2007 before they take over the leadership of Church on the Rock in Tonga. They re-joined Vison Life centre Pastoral team taking over the Community Outreach and Youth Overseer roles since 2020.

Josephine Ramones
Missions and Filipino Outreach

Psastor Josephine served in Victory Family Centre Singapore in different leadership roles since 1998 and was trained in Missions, Evangelism and Church Planting both in Singapore and Malaysia. She voluntarily joined and served 5 years with the mission team to American Samoa where she took over the Mission Pastor role in 2015 and served until 2018. Then she served on a tribal mission in the coastal region “Palawan” of Philippines for 8 months before joining Vision Life Centre Pastoral Team in 2019.

Cheewah & Elizabeth Lee
Chinese Congregation pastors

Pastor Cheewah and Pastor Elizabeth Lee, married for 19 years currently residing in Auckland with their son Preston. The family joined Vision Life Centre in 2019. Cheewah and Elizabeth graduated with Bachelor Degree in Theology, and are both Licensed Ministers of The Assemblies of God of Malaysia. Besides pastoring, they were actively involved in the Pentecostal Movement, National Prayers Altar, AG Central District Committees, Elderly & Orphanage Homes, Apostolic Movement and conducting church music & worship training before moving to New Zealand in 2019. They travelled and ministered in Thailand, Vietnam, Israel, and Australia, and throughout Malaysia for the past 20 years. Cheewah has been actively involved in Mission & Evangelism, and he is a Mission Pastor in Church On The Rock, Tonga. Elizabeth also holds a Bachelor Degree in Commerce. She has been in the Music Education field since 1999; currently teaching at a music school in Auckland.

Maureen Gopalan
Admin & Accounts Assistant

Maureen grew up in Fiji and came to New Zealand in 2015.  She joined Vision Life Centre as an Admin & Accounts Assistant in 2018.

Maureen brings with her 5 years of New Zealand work experience from the Non-profit sector.  Maureen’s prior experiences overseas have been as an executive assistant for a land developer and a construction company for 13 years.  She has a New Zealand Diploma in Business.

Maureen’s passion is to make a positive impact on the lives of others.