The heart of Church life is the small group. The Church is not a Sunday Service or a building but people meeting together in relationship because of their commitment to Jesus Christ. Being a Christian is not just a matter of believing in Jesus Christ but it is also living in relationship with the “body of Christ” which is the people of God gathering as the Church. Sunday Service alone does not enable us to be in close relationship but when we gather in a small group we are able to live out our Christian life by loving and caring for others and allowing others to do so in return.

Our small groups are called Connect Groups. They have four purposes:

  1. Pastoral Care – To care for one another
  2. Evangelism – To reach out to those around us
  3. Discipleship – To grow as disciples of Christ
  4. Worship & Prayer – To honour God and bring our needs to Him.

Connect Groups take place in various locations around the city. Please contact the Church Office to find the closest group to you.